Natural Skin Care Products for Acne

Natural Skin Care Products for Acne

When it comes to natural skin care products for acne, you want to make sure you are choosing the right product for you. Here are our thoughts.

Do you suffer from acne or irritated skin on the face? Sensitive skin on the mask can make it difficult to wear a mask, wear makeup or toner, or add new products into your skin care routine without causing a negative reaction. Irritation in the form of acne or red spots is not only uncomfortable but can also be a cause of embarrassment for some people. While we are big believers in spreading skin positivity and loving your skin no matter what it looks like, we also want to help your skin be the best it can be. To do that, we’re sharing the best natural skin care products for acne and sensitive facial skin. Read on to discover which natural treatment you should add to your skincare routine today!

Understanding Acne

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that causes spots and pimples. While it typically affects skin on the face, it can also appear on the back, shoulders, neck, chest, and upper arms. Acne occurs when your hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. While it is very common among teenagers during puberty, it can affect people of all ages. Factors that can affect acne breakouts include anxiety and stress, oil-based makeup products, genetics, the menstrual cycle, and humid climates. While acne is not dangerous, it can leave scars and negatively affect a person’s self-esteem. A very common skin condition, acne affects approximately 3 in every 4 people.

Clean Beauty and Skin Positivity     

When dealing with acne or irritation, it’s important to choose clean beauty products that are safe for your skin. Clean beauty is a movement that celebrates natural and organic products. It supports pure and wholesome ingredients that work in harmony with your body rather than against it. When you shop clean beauty products, you know exactly what you’re putting on your skin because clean beauty values transparency. That means no mystery ingredients. You will also know exactly how the product was made and the effect the manufacturing process had on the environment. By choosing clean beauty products, you are holding companies accountable for their safety regulations, sustainable practices, and ethical standards. You can rest assured that clean beauty does not test on animals and is proudly GMO free. Although it may sometimes feel like your shopping habits do not make a difference, you have more power than you realize. How you choose to shop matters. As big believers in clean beauty, we encourage you to keep doing your research and educating yourself on whether your skin care products are truly good for your sensitive skin and our precious planet.    

No matter what your skin looks like, acne and all, we encourage you to embrace the skin you’re in. Skin positivity is a movement that celebrates your skin in its raw form. The truth is, there is no such thing as perfect skin. We all deal with ‘flaws’ like dark spots, redness, scarring, pigmentation, rosacea, eczema, and of course, acne. But this doesn’t mean your skin is any less beautiful or worthy of love. Social media can make it easy to fall into the trap of unrealistic beauty standards. With the skin positivity movement, we hope you learn to love your skin and encourage others to do the same.                                                                                                           

Why You Should Always Read Labels 

It’s no secret that you should always read labels before trying out a new skincare product. This is true whether you suffer from acne, eczema, sensitive skin or not. Reading labels is important to ensure you don’t experience a negative reaction because of a known ingredient that your skin is sensitive to. Reading labels, provided they are transparent, allows you to know exactly what you're putting on your body for your skin to absorb. Of course, we understand that reading labels can be overwhelming and you may not even know what you’re looking for. Our general rule of thumb is that if you can’t pronounce the name of the ingredient, it probably isn’t great for your skin. Keep an eye out for wholesome, pure ingredients that are safe for both your skin and our planet. Although taking the time to read labels requires extra effort on your part, the long-term benefits are worth it.

It’s important to note that even if you’re carefully reading labels, you should still do a patch test before trying out a new product. To do a patch test properly, take a small amount of product and apply it to an unaffected area. If there’s no reaction, you can gradually apply the product more generously in places that need it most.

Acne-Friendly Ingredients

Here are some acne-friendly ingredients that are safe and soothing. Let’s start with aloe vera. The gel in aloe vera contains over 75 different nutrients which provide a plethora of health benefits to the skin. This naturally healing agent is highly moisturizing and helps reduce inflammation and soothe itchiness. Because it’s all-natural, you can even apply this cooling gel on delicate areas like the face as a natural acne treatment.

Coconut Oil is another excellent natural remedy that your sensitive skin can benefit from. Rich in lauric acid, it helps reduce the risk of infection which is useful if scratching causes the skin to crack or bleed. It also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties which allows it to calm redness and reduce irritation associated with acne. You can apply coconut oil directly to the affected area or you can enjoy a relaxing coconut oil bath.

Another great natural ingredient that you can use for your at-home acne treatment is colloidal oatmeal. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it helps improve skin roughness and reduce skin flakiness. To use, grind 2-3 cups of oatmeal in a coffee grinder or food processor and then pour the colloidal oatmeal into the tub as the water is filling – enjoy!

Lastly, manuka honey is a powerful natural healing agent that is renowned for its wound-healing abilities, antioxidant properties, and ability to soothe and moisturize the skin. It’s completely organic too which makes it the perfect choice for those with sensitive skin. For those with acne, manuka honey is very healing because of its acidity levels that target the bacteria found on the skin. This not only speeds up the healing process of old acne, but it also stops more pimples from forming. Finally, manuka honey is a natural cleanser that removes dead skin and dirt that may accumulate throughout the day, without stripping the skin of its natural oil. This ensures that the skin won’t overproduce oil to compensate for the lost moisture.

The Best Facial Mask for Sensitive Skin

These days, there’s no denying the importance of wearing a face mask. But for people who suffer from acne or sensitive skin, this can cause increased irritation or the dreaded ‘maskne’.  If you’re looking for a good facial mask that’s soothing for skin or facial treatment, you’ll love our Remedywear™ 3 Ply Face Mask. Awarded the National Eczema Association Seal of Approval, it’s dermatologist approved. It’s soft, breathable, and comfortable to wear for up to hours at a time. So what makes it so special at treating sensitive skin and soothing acne? It all comes down to its unique combination of TENCEL and zinc oxide fibers. This not only helps it protect the skin, but it also boosts the healing process. Zinc is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial which helps it fight germs and bacterial growth that can build up on both the inside and outside of the mask. With this gentle mask, you can say goodbye to chaffing, facial irritations and dermatitis caused by other face masks. 

You may also want to add our Love your Face treatment to your routine. It includes our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream, plus the Remedywear face mask mentioned above.

Gentle Skincare for Natural Acne

Check out these natural treatment options for soothing acne on the face:

Our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream is the perfect choice for anyone suffering from eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dry skin, sensitive skin, and of course, acne. It’s made with just six natural ingredients, including the ever-powerful Manuka honey. It also includes organic olive oil, organic beeswax, filtered water, grape seed oil, and Manuka oil extract. With absolutely no burning or stinging, this natural moisturizer is perfect to wear anywhere on the body from head to toe. You can even wear it on delicate facial areas like eyelids, lips, and cheeks because it’s nut-free, gluten-free, and GMO-free. An oil-based balm, it has a wonderfully soft, creamy texture that your irritated skin will simply adore. Dermatologist tested and approved, this natural facial treatment is a great choice for adults, little ones, and everyone in between. You definitely want to add this to your natural skin care routine.

Another good treatment is our Coconut and Sunflower Oil Soap Bar. Gentle and nourishing, it’s made with coconut oil, sunflower oil, and shea butter. While you can use it as a hand soap throughout the day, it always works great as a full body wash or as a face wash. Your irritated skin is sure to feel soft, silky, and smooth.

If you’d like both products, check out the Body Care Essentials bundle. Featuring the best of both worlds, it truly makes the perfect natural acne kit for your skincare routine.